Talking Points for Life

How to request a meeting

How to request a meeting

created time
Oct 3, 2022 10:41 PM
Last updated October 30, 2023
“I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss <topics>. Are you available next week?”

Start Here

  • Introduce yourself first. There’s nothing more annoying than someone who launches straight into a pitch or request without even giving you the courtesy of sharing their name.
  • Be clear and specific about what you want to meet about - what do you want to learn/achieve?
  • What can you offer them? What’s in it for them to meet with you?
  • Nail down the logistics:
    • Where or how are you meeting (Zoom or in person)
    • When (date/time) - don’t forget to consider timezones

Talking Points

  • Hi <Name>, it was great to meet you at <event or location>.
  • I enjoyed hearing about <recall specific aspects from your conversation if possible> and would like to continue our conversation.
  • Would you be open to grabbing a coffee to chat more about <name>? My treat!
  • Hi There, our mutual <friend/acquaintance>, <Name>, suggested I reach out to you. <Explain why you want to make the connection, e.g., “to learn more about the game-changing work the agency is doing in the biotech space”>.

Further Reading