Talking Points for Life

How to apologize for a missed appointment

How to apologize for a missed appointment

created time
Oct 30, 2022 11:02 PM
Last updated October 30, 2023
“I’m so sorry that I missed our appointment. I had saved it incorrectly in my calendar. I know that’s no excuse, but I hope you understand that it was completely unintentional and truly appreciate and respect your time.”

Start Here

  • Even with digital calendars, our human brains mess things up sometimes and we miss an appointment.
  • The reason why a missed appointment is crappy is because it unintentionally sends a message to the other person or business that you don’t value them or their time.
  • That’s why a simple apology will go a long way to soothing the insult.

Talking Points

  • I can’t believe that I totally spaced the time and missed our meeting! I’m terribly sorry and embarrassed about that. Please know this is no reflection of how I feel about you or your time, but rather me having too much on my plate.
  • Can we please reschedule? I promise to show up on time and with coffee!