Talking Points for Life

How to apologize for a late payment

How to apologize for a late payment

created time
Oct 30, 2022 09:36 PM
Last updated June 24, 2023
“I’m so sorry for not getting my payment in by the deadline.”

Start Here

  • When times are tough, sometimes payments get delayed. We’ve all been there, friend.
  • The important thing is to acknowledge the late payment and be clear about when you can make it.
  • It’s also a good practice to apologize when making the payment if the payment is late.

Talking Points

  • Hi <name>, I have just sent you my payment via <Venmo, Apple Pay, etc.>. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay and know that I’m taking several steps to ensure my payments are on time going forward.
  • Thank you again for your patience and understanding.